6 May 2024 By Jonathan

Winter’s Secret: Naturally and Affordably Increasing Humidity in Your Home


Winter often means dry air inside homes, which can cause discomfort and health problems. It is important to maintain an optimal humidity level between 50 and 60% to ensure our well-being. While electric humidifiers are a common solution, there are natural and economical methods to increase the humidity in our interiors without resorting to these devices. Let’s find out together how to humidify a room effectively while taking care of our environment and our wallet.

Use depolluting plants

Houseplants have the ability to absorb water from the soil and then release it in the form of water vapor through a process called transpiration. Certain depolluting plants such as ficus, ivy or fern also absorb pollutants present in the air, thus improving its quality. Don’t hesitate to add some of these green plants to your rooms to benefit from their benefits on your indoor humidity level.

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Ventilate regularly

Opening the windows daily not only renews the ambient air but also balances its humidity level. Ventilating each room for 10 to 15 minutes a day, even in winter, helps maintain optimal humidity levels and prevents the proliferation of dust mites and mold.

Spread water vapor from the bathroom

After a hot shower or bath, the air in your bathroom is charged with water vapor. Leave the door open so this humidity spreads to other rooms in your house. You can also place a small fan near the door to facilitate this circulation of moist air.

Dry laundry indoors

When you dry your clothes indoors on a drying rack, they gradually release their moisture into the surrounding air. This not only saves on your energy bills linked to the dryer but also improves the humidity level in your home. However, be careful not to overload your rooms with damp linens to avoid problems linked to excess humidity.

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Go back to the living rooms

Just like drying laundry, ironing your clothes also releases steam which can help increase ambient humidity. By carrying out this household task in a room where you spend time (living room or bedroom), you will benefit from this additional humidity.

Correctly adjust the thermostat

Too much heating dries out the indoor air. Therefore, to maintain a comfortable humidity level, it is recommended to set your thermostat between 18 and 20°C. In addition to saving on your heating bills, this temperature will allow your body to better adapt to thermal variations between indoors and outdoors.

Tip: place a large container of water or a pressure cooker to evaporate water

Placing a large container filled with water (basin, salad bowl) near heat sources such as radiators encourages its evaporation in the room. You can also use a pressure cooker filled with water, letting the steam escape slowly for a few minutes. These simple, cost-effective tips help naturally increase the humidity in your home.

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Precautions to take

Although increasing indoor humidity is beneficial for our comfort and health, it is important to be careful not to encourage the proliferation of dust mites or mold which can cause allergies and respiratory problems. For that :

  • Maintain good air circulation by regularly ventilating each room.
  • Clean your depolluting plants frequently to prevent mold from forming on their leaves.
  • Don’t leave your damp clothes inside for too long to avoid excess humidity.

By following these tips, you will be able to naturally and economically humidify your interior while preserving your health and that of your loved ones. Enjoy a more comfortable winter without resorting to electric humidifiers!