6 May 2024 By Jonathan

Introducing the DOMUS Premium Wind Turbine: A Sleek and Effective Path to Home Energy Independence

Presentation of the DOMUS Premium Plug and Play wind turbine

The DOMUS brand domestic wind turbine, a premium model with a power of 750w and equipped with six blades, is an economical choice both for purchase and use while being durable and environmentally friendly. On sale at €1,140.00, this hybrid wind turbine will allow you to easily access a renewable energy source thanks to its ease of installation (Plug & Play), its silent operation and its adaptation to the urban context.

DARRIEUS/SAVONIUS hybrid rotor type

The premium DOMUS model is equipped with a hybrid DARRIEUS/SAVONIUS rotor type which combines the advantages of both technologies to guarantee starting in very light winds. The Darrieus rotor ensures 360° wind capture while the Savonius allows high torque at low wind speeds. This combination therefore offers excellent performance in different weather conditions.

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Starting in very light winds

Thanks to the DARRIEUS/SAVONIUS hybrid rotor type, the DOMUS Premium wind turbine starts in very light winds. So, even if you live in an area where the wind is not very strong, you can still benefit from renewable energy production thanks to this efficient wind turbine.

Modular mast configuration

The DOMUS Premium wind turbine is equipped with a modular mast which allows easy installation adapted to your needs. Whether you want to install it on a roof, balcony or in your garden, the modular configuration of the mast will give you different options to find the ideal solution depending on your environment.

Options available for different configurations (OFF-GRID, ON-GRID, FULL)

Depending on your needs and preferences in terms of renewable energy, the DOMUS Premium wind turbine offers three configuration options:

  • OFF-GRID: ideal if you want to be completely independent of the electricity network. The energy produced by the wind turbine is stored in batteries and used directly at your home.
  • ON-GRID: allows you to connect the wind turbine to the electricity network so that the excess energy produced can be resold to your electricity supplier. This option can be interesting if you want to quickly make a profit on your investment.
  • FULL: combines the advantages of the two previous configurations. You can therefore choose between using the energy produced at home or reselling it according to your needs and the weather context.
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Light weight and elegant Italian design

The premium DOMUS model is not only efficient, but also aesthetically pleasing thanks to its elegant Italian design. Its light weight makes it easy to install and transport, making it a practical solution for enjoying wind energy at home.

Easy installation (Plug & Play)

The DOMUS Premium wind turbine is designed to be easy to install thanks to its Plug & Play technology. Simply follow the instructions provided and plug the wind turbine into your home electrical system to start enjoying the benefits of this renewable energy source.

Quiet and adapted to the urban context

This wind turbine has been specially designed to be silent so as not to disturb those around you. Thanks to its 360° wind capture, it adapts perfectly to the urban context where the winds can be changeable and less regular than in a rural environment. In addition, no special permission is required to install this wind turbine in your home.

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An economical and environmentally friendly choice

With an attractive promotional price of €1,140.00, the DOMUS Premium wind turbine constitutes an interesting long-term economic investment. Indeed, it will not only allow you to easily access a renewable energy source but also reduce your electricity bills while being environmentally friendly.


The DOMUS Premium Plug and Play wind turbine is an elegant and efficient solution for your domestic energy. Thanks to its innovative technical characteristics, its attractive Italian design and its ease of installation, it represents a wise choice for those who wish to invest in a renewable energy source while being environmentally friendly and economically interesting.