6 May 2024 By Jonathan

Exploring the World of Baseboard Heaters: Electric, Hot Water, and Dual-Energy Uncovered

Thermal comfort is an essential element for feeling good at home. Among the different heating solutions available on the market, baseboard heaters are a discreet and efficient option that fits harmoniously into any interior. In this article, we present the different types of baseboard heaters (electric, hot water and dual-energy), their specific advantages as well as satisfied customer testimonials.

Electric baseboard heaters

Electric baseboard heaters work thanks to the built-in resistance which generates heat when supplied with electricity. This type of plinth has several advantages:

  • Self-regulation: Electric models generally have a built-in thermostat allowing precise temperature regulation according to your needs.
  • Efficiency : The heat produced by these devices diffuses quickly throughout the room without wasting energy.
  • Simplicity of installation: No hydraulic connection is necessary, which greatly facilitates their installation.

“I opted for electric baseboard heaters in my living room and I am very satisfied with the result. The temperature is always pleasant and the energy consumption remains reasonable.” – Pierre, 45 years old.

Hot water baseboard heaters

These baseboards are connected to the central heating network and use hot water circulating in the pipes to distribute heat throughout the room. Here are their main advantages:

  • Even heat distribution: Hot water circulates along the entire length of the plinth, guaranteeing uniform distribution of heat throughout your interior.
  • Compatibility with different heating systems: Hot water baseboards can be connected to a boiler, a heat pump or a solar thermal system.
  • Operating silence: Unlike traditional radiators, these devices do not emit parasitic noise linked to the expansion of materials when they heat.

“We chose hot water baseboard heaters for our home and we are delighted with them. The heat is distributed evenly in all rooms and the system is very quiet.” – Isabelle, 38 years old.

Dual-energy baseboard heaters

These devices combine the advantages of the two previous technologies by offering an electric and hydraulic mode of operation. They thus offer great energy flexibility:

  • Adaptability: You can choose the heating mode that suits you best depending on the weather conditions or your preferences.
  • Energy savings : By alternating between the two modes, you can optimize your consumption and reduce your energy bills.

“I installed dual-energy baseboard heaters in my apartment and I am very happy. I can easily switch from electric to hydraulic mode according to my needs.” – Sophie, 32 years old.

Aesthetics and personalization

All these types of baseboard heaters have the advantage of being discreet and aesthetic. They can be personalized according to your tastes thanks to different options:

  • Choice of colors: Skirting boards are available in a wide range of colors to match your interior design.
  • Integrated decorative lighting: Some models offer integrated LED lighting to create a warm and pleasant atmosphere in the room.
  • Adding electrical outlets: For greater practicality, it is possible to integrate electrical outlets directly on the plinths in order to power your devices without multiplying the number of visible cables.
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To conclude, baseboard heaters are a discreet and efficient heating solution that adapts to all interiors. Depending on your preferences, you can opt for electric, hot water or dual-energy models, each with specific advantages in terms of efficiency, aesthetics and ease of installation.